How To Publish a Book in Australia- Part 1

How To Publish a Book in Australia- Part 1

How to Publish a Book in Australia – Part 1

If you’re a coach, speaker or an expert in a specialised industry, you must know that publishing a book will help you stand out from the crowd, but you might be thinking…Where do I start?

While writing and publishing a book can seem daunting and more than a little intimidating, you’ll be surprised to discover that most of our authors find the process simpler than they thought it would be, and often go on to publish more than one.

If you’ve ever wondered how to publish a book in Australia and become a published author, then this article (the first of a two-part blog series) is a must read.

Since I started publishing my books in 2009, a lot has changed in the industry.

It’s never been easier to become a published author than it is now, as long as you know the right steps to take. It’s also incredibly important to ensure your book has a professional finish, or it could have the exact opposite effect from what you were hoping for, particularly when competing against other professionals who are also knowledgeable about your area of expertise. Your main goal is to be proud of the end result, so you want your book to have the appearance and feel of one that’s been distributed by a well-known publishing house.

What does it mean to be an ‘authority’ in your field?  The benefits are endless. By writing, printing and sharing your knowledge into a published book format, you have the potential to reap many more financial rewards than someone in the same industry or field, toiling away without the author title. To put it simply, after getting a taste of your knowledge in the form of your published book, people will pay more to work with you, while others will seek you out to discover more about you, which can then lead to more profitable returns.

This is because your credibility and perception as someone who’s knowledgeable in your field becomes elevated once you become a published author. But the benefits of writing a book don’t end there. Not only can you be paid more, but you’ll be exposed to a much wider audience. This means you’re able to share your knowledge without needing to spend endless hours imparting the same information over and over. This is the ultimate leverage.


The Fast and Easy way to Publish a Book in Australia

Believe it or not, it no longer takes many years and lots of rejection letters to become a published author. And I’m not talking about just an eBook published on Amazon. I mean a physical, hold-it-in-your-hands book that has a real cover and actual pages. It’s one of the best ways to present your work and wisdom to the world. That being said, it’s great to have your manuscript in as many formats as possible, such as a physical book, an eBook, and even an audiobook, for wider audience reach. These top tips are the fastest and most professional way to make publishing your book a reality.

  1. Prepare to write your book

When starting a diet or a new exercise plan, you would join a gym, get some shoes and active wear, and set aside the time to attend a class.

When preparing to write your book, there are some equally important preparations you need to make.

Schedule some writing time.

Setting up a desk or area to work on your book can go a long way in the publishing process and your eventual success. Even starting a new Word document that will become your manuscript is a great first action step. Go ahead and add the working title for your book. You don’t have to know exactly what it will be just yet. This is a great sign to your brain that you’re serious about getting down to business.

Decide what to write about

This can often be a stumbling point, as like most people, you probably have multiple books inside of you waiting to come out. It could be that you have knowledge about an activity you’ve participated in as a hobby, as well as in an area surrounding your career or work.

But since you’ll be dedicating great amounts of time and effort into publishing and promoting your book, it’s best to pick a topic you love to talk, think, read and research about, as this is often in line with your purpose and passion.

Figure out your publishing goals

Deciding what your publishing goals are will help with your decision. Do you want to leave a legacy by sharing your life story or generate leads in your business? Have you always wanted to publish a children’s picture book? No matter what the reason, decide which one you will publish first. You can always publish another book at a later date. You’re not limited by time and can choose to release one a year.

Gather your information

Organise all that you know on a topic in a way the reader will be able to understand and absorb it.


Figure out your writing method

The hardest part can be taking everything that’s inside your head and getting it down on paper or in a document. Doing a massive brainstorm and dumping all of the information onto a whiteboard, large piece of art paper, or a mindmap, can be a great way to get it all out of your head before sorting it into sections.

Some of my authors choose to dictate the information and get it transcribed. Another option is using ‘talk to text’ technologies, if typing or writing interferes with your flow. This can speed everything up if you process the information faster than your fingers can write or type it.
Once you break down your knowledge into sections and organise all of the information, you can start to see what information needs to go where.

Decide what can be repurposed

Think repurposing here, too. What other information do you already have that you could use for your book? Have you written blog posts or conducted a webinar or presentation that could be transcribed and used for material in your book?

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